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Rookie Bass Angler: Macks on surface lures

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Macks on surface lures

We all know that Mackerel are possibly the easiest fish to catch once located. Couple this with the exhilaration of watching fish hit surface lures and you end up with a cracking day's sport.

I went down to a local mark where I knew I would find bait fish, mackerel and other predators lurking around waiting for a quick meal.

The food source was there and now it was time to start enticing the fish to the top.

The first lure of choice was a 65mm Lucky Craft Sammy. I have used the larger version for Bass before but I bought this for some sport on the light lure rod.

It wasn't long before we had Mackerel rising everywhere at the lure.

Then we switched over to another great lure which had worked well for us a few weeks back for Sea Trout - the Megabass Cutter 90.

After nailing and releasing the majority of the Mackerel we had a quick go for Sea Trout but it was just too late in the tide. We managed one nice little fish but we had been distracted by the sport off the surface.

Taken on a 20g 40mm casting jig.

Any fish taken off the surface really gets the adrenaline pumping and Mackerel are no exception. Forget the feathers and the bits of metal. Get a light lure rod, some mini surface lures and get out and have some sport - it rocks!


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