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Rookie Bass Angler: A trip for Silver Devils

Friday, 26 August 2011

A trip for Silver Devils

After much consideration and preparation myself and my dad set off for Waterville, Kerry. A long and very agitated trip but what is to come made up for that.

The first evening we arrived we set out to wet a line. Low tide, big surf, golden sandy beach - it looked perfect! Bearing in mind we had no bait so it was spinning or nothing and let me tell you we didn't drive all that way for nothing! Half an hour into the session I hear the shouts 'I'm in.....' I chucked my rod down and ran down the beach to see his rod doubled over, and the singing noise of line ripping off the reel, so fast it actually burnt the gears out and the reel locked up - NIGHTMARE! After some fighting and dare i say many expletives later we landed our first Bass. 

At just over 6lb we could not believe how lucky we were .... first night and we land this? After the comedown from the shock and adrenaline we set off back for some sleep and prepare for the days to come.


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